hudba a text: Mike Oldfield
vyprávění: Greta Hegerland-Oldfield
zpěv: Miriam Stockley / Pepsi Demacque
doplňující zpěv: The London Händel Choir/The Grant Gospel Choir
album: The Millennium Bell
When the birds sing outside
And you see the trees
Changing to green
The sun invites one
To be out in the open air
When the sky is so blue, then
Oh then, I wish for so much!
And the best remedy
For those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy
Is to go outside
Somewhere, where they can be quite alone
With the heavens, nature and God.
(vyňato z deníku, který si za nacistické okupace psala amsterdamská židovská dívka Anne Franková a který později vyšel knižně)
(Reaching out into other worlds)
(I have eyes, ears and a voice)
(Here's a special news buletin)
(Cleanly Fresh!)
(Do you wish to leave a record of your call?)
(Record of your call)
(May I have your attention please?)
(Zero, and folding...)